5 Niche eCommerce Digital Course Websites

Troy Anctil

If you want to build a successful online business, you have a very specific and well-defined niche.
I’m sure you’ve heard this countless times from self-proclaimed successful niche marketers. But you’re skeptical, because deep down inside, you still fear that you’ll miss out on thousands of potential website visitors and boatloads of sales if stay within your niche. While you’re complaining about saturated niches, there are people out there making a fortune by identifying unique angles and combining their passion with popular topics. Not to mention some of the downright strange niche sites that only people with like-minded interests know about, and make money. Well, no more time for excuses, find your niche and pour your love into it. I’m going to show you some successful niche sites in strange and narrow niches that’ll turn on interests you never knew you had. This will also wipe away all your doubts and leave you no choice but to take action whatever your niche idea is.

1. Rob Knopper

A site helping aspiring musicians shine at orchestra job auditions.
Can you get more niche than that? Rob Knopper, an orchestra percussionist, realized that aspiring musicians needed help in preparing for interviews and auditions. This simple, but very specific idea, led to the creation of his blog which makes him thousands of dollars in digital training and course sales. Rob’s site clearly stands out for a few reasons.

  • It is designed specifically to collect as many leads as possible.
  • Its blog is full of detailed and high-quality content
  • Rob creates exceptionally high-quality video tutorials

How Do They Make Money

  • Digital course sales
  • Coaching sales

Dominant Content Type

  • Blog posts sharing tips and tricks for orchestra auditions
  • Case studies

Top Performing Content

Lessons You Can Learn

  • Just like Rob, you can use your own experiences to start a niche site
  • Rob makes all of his money by selling courses. So niche sites don’t always have to attract millions of visitors to make money
  • Rob’s site leaves no opportunity to turn visitors into subscribers.


2. Comet Camper

COMET Camper is a site dedicated to people passionate about living a minimalist lifestyle and making a positive impact on the environment with their daily consumption habits. It’s founded by Mariah, a designer and an avid traveler living in the COMET (Cost-effective, Off-grid Mobile Eco Trailer). The truly remarkable thing about this site is its focus on quality content and user experience. It is beautifully designed art deco feel, tailored to the needs of its audience, and guides its visitors to exactly the information they’re looking for. The site is as simple as the lifestyle they are living. They also highlight a free seven-day course to downsizing your life.

How Do They Make Money

  • Selling an online course on tiny living
  • Affiliate income from Amazon Associates
  • Affiliate income from direct partners.

Dominant Content Type

  • Ultimate guides
  • Blog posts sharing tips and tricks on tiny living
  • E-courses

Top Performing Content

Lessons You Can Learn

If you look closely, Comet Camper is in a pretty narrow sub-niche of nomadic lifestyle (a much broader niche). But even then it has been able to develop a dedicated audience because of it’s focused, useful and detailed content. Instead of thinking short-term, they’ve built an authority site that is focused on providing value and building an audience. As a result, they’re now making big bucks. They focus on the Comet Camper which is as unique as their site. They Offer alternatives to tiny living but wisely chose a unique aspect to attract attention.

3. TinyHouseBlog

Another example of a narrowed niche in a niche, the tiny house blog isn’t as well-designed or branded as the previous one. It’s a more conventional niche site that’s designed, magazine style, and has dozens of articles related to tiny housing and its related topics. The quality of content isn’t the best but the information it isn’t bad. The biggest thing that separates TinyHouseBlog from other niche sites is the massive social media following. Hundreds of thousands combined social media followers drive a large portion of its total traffic from visual sites like Pinterest and Instagram.

How Do They Make Money

  • Google AdSense
  • Affiliate commissions from Amazon Associates
  • Banner Ads

Dominant Content Type

  • Sponsored articles
  • Case Studies
  • Reviews

Top Performing Content

Lessons You Can Learn

Too many so-called niche marketers completely ignore social media and rely solely on search engine traffic. TinyHouseBlog is a reminder of the effectiveness of social media for niche marketing. With the simple feel of the site, it’s like a newspaper with the columns running vertically and the articles side by side. As simple as the lifestyle site portrays its articles are a click away with catchy headlines and images.

4. Jessica Prague

Jessica is a Photoshop pro with more than 15+ years of experience creating designs, websites, and brand campaigns of organizations and entrepreneurs. She’s created this site specifically for design enthusiast or entrepreneurs looking to build on their Photoshop and design skills.
Her site is actually a great sample of her design skills. It has almost everything perfectly in place and highlights the most important elements that her visitors want to see. Her creativity is visible from the moment you land on her page.

How Do They Make Money

  • Selling online courses on different design techniques and Photoshop skills
  • Selling consultancy services
  • Selling website design and complete branding campaigns

Dominant Content Type

  • Webinars
  • Featured Courses

Lessons You Can Learn

Jessica is currently selling dozens of courses that cover different aspects of design. She has broken down larger topics and turned them into small courses which not only makes it easier for her buyers but also keeps her revenue stream coming in. This is another example of someone taking their experience and making work for them by monetizing it. Her creativity is a large part of why this site is successful.
nerd fitness

5. Nerd Fitness

FItness being one of the largest interests on the internet, narrowing it down takes some creativity. While most fitness gurus are jacked up on their protein shakes and kale diets, drinking ten times their body weight in water daily, it’s not that practical for the typical working class. Enter  NerdFitness, it is one of the most popular fitness sites on the web. But like most successful online businesses, it targets a very specific audience. It’s a resource for common folks, couch potatoes and lazy people who overlook their health and fitness because of the day to day grind.
Over the years, it has grown into a huge brand with a cult following.
And it was revealed in an interview on BloggerJet with the owner Steve Kamb that it was a 6 figure business.

How Do They Make Money

  • Nerd Fitness Academy membership
  • Selling private fitness coaching
  • Selling digital courses
  • Selling training programs
  • Occasional affiliate promotions

Dominant Content Type

  • Fitness case studies
  • Blog posts with fitness tips
  • Fitness videos

Top Performing Content


Lessons You Can Learn

NerdFitness is an ideal site that every niche marketer should look to emulate.
Steve Kamb started it when he identified a very specific need, which was the lack of fitness advice for average joes like himself. Fitness is a competitive niche. But since NerdFitness was born out of Steve’s own passion for fitness and to help people live more fulfilling lives by staying fit, he managed to stay consistent and grow a community around his site by providing value.
That is the best lesson for all of these examples. Providing value is the key to any website. Finding your passion and portraying it out to other like-minded individuals. People will feel your passion and find the value in your site and be willing to purchase your services or products if they find the value in your content.
Thank you to Jawad Khan of https://nichehacks.com/niche-site-examples/ for the ideas!

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