The Rapid Growth of B2B eCommerce

Blake Holden

The beliefs of B2B eCommerce compared to B2C is often far different from reality.
If you were asked to describe online shopping, chances are you would describe an individual buying something for themselves through the internet.
You wouldn’t be wrong, but it wouldn’t accurately describe online shopping.

B2B Ecommerce Is Experiencing Rapid Growth

B2B eCommerce more than doubles B2C in sales and is growing.
Thus, no B2B seller can afford to ignore the opportunity facing the success of their company. If they do not incorporate eCommerce into their business plan, they will miss out on sales and long-term deals that will determine the future of their company.
B2B ecommerce growing

Complex B2B Sales Made Easy

For those familiar with this part of the ecommerce world, the advantages B2B ecommerce are easily identifiable and noticiable in their financials. It is important to acknowledge that B2B has a thirst for knowledge. Removing emotion from the equation and replacing it with statistics and information that can lead to a more informed decision is paramount in this business.
B2B sellers that utilize an online store can deliver customers a streamlined buying experience to buy faster and easier. It is that simple.

The B2B Experience Keeps Getting Better

And, the days of having to experience a second-rate, minimally functioning catalog website is fading away rapidly. B2C-like experiences are starting to be recognized as an important aspect to the B2B online shopping experience.
However, the how is just as important as the where for B2B sellers. Simply having an online store is not sufficient enough if your goal is to maintain and grow your business online. The online store will need to have a website that engages customers and promotes further interaction. B2B sellers will need to build an engaging ecommerce site that will attract new customers.
Historically, B2B sites had “portals” that cut out customer service reps. This gave existing customers access to nothing more than an online catalog.
Although it may have been revolutionary at a time, that strategy is flawed in the modern-era.

Always Open For Business

Today, with online search tools, new customers can reasearch, find, and place an order more easily than ever before. All online, anywhere and at anytime.
Attracting more clients can help boost your sales, but that’s not the only way a B2B e-commerce platform can help improve your business performance.

Customizing the Customer Experience

Choosing the right B2B e-commerce solution allows you to display relevant and specific product recommendations for your visitors. Clients can see related products, but also items with more features, unlocking powerful cross-selling and upselling opportunities.
B2B buyers want to search and find products fast. With an eCommerce solution, see accurate and customized contract pricing, quickly reorder products and services, and see their custom quotes when they log in to your site. Leading B2B companies are investing in eCommerce platform solutions. This allows them to offer fully-personalized portals for their customers and partners.
B2B eCommerce technology features:

  • Customers can easily use efficient self-services, whether it’s completing orders online or setting up recurring purchases to process automatically.
  • B2C-like experience for easy ordering, checking the status of orders, and the ability to perform transactions on any device.
  • Offer a complete end-to-end solution, from digital asset management to integrated quote management.
  • Personalized portal view for customers with access to their products, warranties, manuals and related parts and inputs.

The B2B eCommerce market has so much to offer. Contact Trellis for more information on how you can grow your B2B business.

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