The Internet and Internet Marketing Can Save Us

Isaiah Bollinger

Isaiah Bollinger

Small businesses are just beginning to adjust to internet marketing and still make mistakes such as hiring a poor web design company, choosing the wrong CMS, or not utilizing social media properly. However, many small and mid size companies are beginning to realize that they need to hire professionals to handle their internet marketing.

It’s even more unacceptable that large multi-nationals also make huge internet mistakes despite the fact that they have much more money to spend on online marketing. Whether they are incompetent when it comes to internet marketing and technology or just resistant to the exponential increase in internet and software use and integration into business escapes me. Software and web development are essential to medium and large businesses, yet only a fraction of them do it properly. Perhaps this trend can simply be attributed to older generations holding onto their power and leadership positions, despite the fact that the younger generations have the capabilities of integrating more advanced software, web design, and IT technologies into place.

This power shift must happen. Until it does, our economy and those of countries operating similarly will merely stagnate until the consequent cumulative debt leads to a global economic collapse as the Ponzi scheme of fractional reserve banking* continues, resulting in massive default or hyperinflation. As long as the power stays with the older generations that want to use the internet to run advanced logarithmic trading programs, essentially stealing from everyone by causing inflation through massive derivative leveraging and consolidating power for their massive corporations, the economy will eventually crumble world-wide.

Small and medium-sized businesses that may provide exceptional service but lack the marketing exposure will continue to suffer and the banking elite will continue to consolidate power, essentially ruling the world at the whim of the public who are too lazy and ignorant to stand up. Potential for reversing such a fate lies in the internet, which presents the most egalitarian stage of technology, as it allows people to share information for free and to access software and services at extremely low costs, making once arduous, intricate, time-consuming tasks virtuously effortless.

A common misconception is that the United States was built on small business and competition that created a free-market environment which fostered competition, thereby producing the most beneficial goods and services to society. This is actually a fallacy disproven by John Nash, who developed the “Game Theory” demonstrating that in some instances collaborating or consolidating to form a monopoly is actually better than the free market outcome. Indeed, in many instances more competition is better; yet there exist specific conditions in which a natural monopoly such as water supply yields a more favorable outcome than having competition among multiple companies, which would actually lead to an unnecessary price increase. The United States has overall done an amazing job of providing services in which the free market fails to deliver, but in recent decades has lost its once great role in providing what the free market cannot.

A natural monopoly occurs when one company can produce the lowest cost per service/good because of economies of scale, and it should be regulated by the government as a nonprofit service. As a government regulated nonprofit, these natural monopolies can yield the best possible services and goods for the lowest possible cost if they are run properly. Unfortunately, these natural monopoly scenarios have either been privatized in which there exist oligopolies who control prices such as Verizon and AT&T or have been mis handled by the government.

The government should also provide services for which there is insufficient enough private incentive to create but the overall utility of such is more beneficial than the cost, such as roads and highways. When the government is run by the banking and corporate elite conducting a Ponzi scheme, however, you cannot trust the government to provide natural monopolies effectively. The corporations, mainly the large banks and conglomerates, control the government through monetary enslavement and threaten to implode the economy unless they are bailed out, a phenomenon which has already happened and continues to happen. Bailing out failing corporations is the worst way to repair an economy, because it allows companies that clearly produce nothing of value to stay in business. Yet rather than producing the most goods for the lowest possible cost, the current government’s approach essentially funnels money from the working class, redistributing the wealth to other people or paying debts and obligations that represent ineffective economic policies. This produces nothing and is a disturbing waste of our resources and time. The internet and computer technology can change all of this. With the internet, software, and computer technology, the government could be the most efficient goods and services producing entity in the history of the world rather than redistributing wealth which does nothing to help the world economy.

We could use software and internet technology to streamline all natural monopolies such as water, electricity, and internet providing service so that everyone gets the best access to basic necessities of life at the cheapest possible cost. It is time we use the power of the internet and information technology to take back the power our founding fathers fought for us to have hundreds of years ago. If someone was to create a digital currency backed by physical gold or silver, the currency would be limited to physical parameters and could not be inflated indefinitely, thereby ending the Ponzi scheme of fractional reserve banking. Until we have a non-inflationary currency that actually facilitates trade and economic progress, our economy will continue to crumble despite the botched 2 percent GDP increase numbers that are clearly misleading gauges of the realistic state of the economy.

*(fractional reserve banking is a Ponzi scheme because the interest on the loans does not exist and cannot be paid back unless more loans or the debt supply increases; this can go on for infinity as you see today the debt swelling indefinitely until default, collapse or hyperinflation)

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