Why Every Business Should Invest in a Blog

Isaiah Bollinger

Isaiah Bollinger

Most businesses are behind the mark when it comes to SEO, content marketing, blogging, and other digital marketing techniques. Even large companies struggle to keep up with trends and the most effective Internet marketing strategies. Amazingly, you will find many mid to even enterprise companies that have no or a weak blog presence. Hopefully this will help convince you why every business absolutely needs a blog regardless of size or industry.

It Will Boost Your Social Media Presence

Over promoting your businesses services and products can turn off consumers from following you on social media. However, simply posting other companies articles and content does not provide your business the benefit that getting social media users to see your own businesses content could. A blog is one of the best ways to promote your business on social media without actually overselling or over promoting your business. Notice how many successful blogs have hundreds and even thousands of shares per post.
Mashable is a great example of a blog that consistently gets thousands of shares per post and even shows a cool velocity graph of the post. They do a great job of making it easy to share their posts on social media, a great way to make sure your blog improves your social media presence.
Mashable Blog Post

A Blog Will Help Your SEO Rankings

The Google algorithm has many variables that can cause a website to rank above another. Some of the major ranking factors are number of indexed pages, quality backlinks from other websites, and a strong social media presence. A blog can help with all of those. In some studies, the results have shown that sites with a blog have 436% more indexed pages than websites that do not have one.
Additionally, one of the best ways to build backlinks is to have quality relevant content that someone might link to. Blog posts are some of the best ways to create content that other websites will want to link to because you can write about interesting industry relevant topics without talking specifically about the services or products you sell.

It Can Increase Business Credibility

60% of consumers feel positive about a company after reading its blog. Consumers feel more inclined to trust a business that creates authority content, proving their expertise in their industry. Additionally, a consistently updated blog shows that the business is working hard to keep the wheels moving, providing confidence to the consumer that they will make an effort to serve them consistently and effectively.
A blog is also one of the easiest way to frequently update content on your website. A website that has not been updated in a long time gives an impression of a business that does not care or is behind the times. Therefore it is one of the best ways to keep your website as relevant as possible with the least amount of effort.

It Does Not Cost Advertising Dollars To Run

70% of consumers learn about a company through its blog versus ads. If you are a small business owner and are looking to find ways to market yourself without spending a lot of money a blog is one of the best ways to do so. You can write blogs yourself costing you no third party dollars. Additionally if you have employees with down time during the day they can help assist with the blog.

It Is Proven To Increase Inbound Leads

A recent Hubspot study shows that approximately 60% of businesses who blog acquire more customers and websites with blogs consistently get more inbound leads. Since a blog can help you show up for relevant organic search terms, increase your social media traffic and presence, increase your direct traffic, and many other things that can lead to more web traffic it is clear that it is one of the best ways to increase inbound leads. Inbound leads are also generally easier to close because they are looking for your services and products versus outbound leads who may not be in the buying cycle.

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