HotJar Now has an Agency Partner Program, You’re Welcome

Dan Crowther

Dan Crowther

This is a great story. To truly take it from the top, we first have to establish the who, what, when, where, and why’s of Hotjar. To put it starkly, in the world of website builders and marketers, Hotjar is THE solution for tracking customer behaviors, interactions, demographics, and providing analytics to help merchants immediately increase conversions. There is how you think people use your website, and there is how people actually use it. Hotjar gives you an unbiased view of how customers behave on your site and what they feel strongly about, so teams like yours can make high-impact changes, fast. Throw in the fact that they are a 100% globally distributed, bootstrapped firm of great technologists and better people, and you got a winner. 

For an eCommerce digital agency, Hotjar is a near universally used tool, for a few simple reasons. (1) It works. It increases conversions, and therefore helps our agency provide additional value to our clients. And that’s what our thing is all about. (2) There are lies, damn lies and statistics, as we all know. “Your user experience is broken” might sound like a damn lie, coming from the mouth of a digital marketing agency person – they’re trying to bilk you, you say. Well, you can’t argue with statistics. In this sense, for an agency, Hotjar is like calling in the cavalry. It’s a powerful tool for agency people to provide tangible data on seemingly subjective elements. In other words, “your user experience is broken” becomes “your user experience is broken on pages (x,y and z) where large %’s of people are starting a transaction and then leaving.” (3) If you were reading carefully, you noticed where the use of Hotjar helped the digital agency “discover” some user experience and design work for the client, and assumedly a bit of development work as well. Tools that work, that provide objective analytics which reinforce best practices and help discover (billable) additional work? That’s the trifecta for an agency looking for a software partner. 

Which is why your author was gobsmacked when I learned Hotjar did not have an agency partner program, and why I immediately volunteered to help them establish one. On or around the beginning of February this year, I first reached out to the folks at hotjar, asking who I might be able to directly refer our prospects and clients to. Full Disclosure: since I have been at Trellis, we have embedded links to in our proposals, where we articulate the myriad features, functionalities, extensions and integrations we assume would be relevant for a particular merchant. “Turns out we’ve been working together for a while” I said, “but we were hoping to make it official.” I was told a program like the one I was assuming existed, in fact did not. But! This was something they were looking to explore. “LETS EXPLORE TOGETHER” was my instant response. And so, we did. 

Over the next couple of months, we have talked many times: about what Agencies like ours would want from them (revenue share, attribution, co-marketing etc), we have done some client mapping exercises, together we built Hotjar’s agency referral agreement, and we at Trellis now have our own UNIQUE REFERRAL LINK!!! I told you this was a great story. 

But, from my point of view, the best part of it is: we’re now connected. And we established a program where more members of Hotjars user community can connect with them, share their thoughts and ideas, perhaps strategize and so on. This can only make all of us better. We are absolutely thrilled to announce this partnership. 

Tune in to our next live event Digital Commerce Today: The Great Debate(s) of 2021 on June 11th. The debates will feature Hotjar as well as a dozen of our other trusted partner’s top executives. Check out the event page and save your spot today!

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