February 8, 2024 - February 11, 2024

SkiCommerce In Stowe Vermont 2024

Ski or Snowboard in Stowe VT, Hosted By Trellis, Bloomreach and BigCommerce

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Shopify Unite

Jun 18-20, 2019

Shopify Unite

This three-day conference is for Shopify Partners and Shopify Developers who build apps and custom integrations, or who work with Shopify merchants providing services like web design, development, marketing, business strategy, and more. This year’s ticket includes: Product-focused keynotes: Be the first to hear exclusive details about the future of our platform from Shopify leadership. Learn about the opportunity ahead and how it applies to your business. Workshops: Take advantage of smaller group learning sessions, help solve technical challenges, and give feedback on the Shopify tools you rely on. Office hours: Book 1:1 time with a wide variety of Shopify team members with both technical and business strategy expertise. After party: Sit back, relax, and have some fun with other partners, Shopify leadership, and teammates over food and drink at an exclusive Toronto venue. Networking opportunities: Take advantage of valuable face-to-face time with your peers and colleagues. Get to know the partner community, share ideas, and make connections.