Over 100 Social Sites to Get the Word Out
Patrick Bean
Patrick Bean
Social media and social bookmarking is one of the best ways to promote a new website that needs traffic and backlinks for SEO. Here is a list of over 100 social bookmarking sites that could help you to get the word out. From our experience focusing on the top 30 to 50 is more effective than bothering with the less valuable sites but I listed them in case you feel the need to promote to more sites.
I included Pagerank but Google has not been updating their pagerank for the past year or so and it is likely they are going to stop giving out that information. I would use MOZ’s domain authority and page authority for getting a better idea of how valuable each site is. One thing we also focus on is how useful this site actually is to the user, so I would focus on sites that have real value as well, not just page rank or page authority. Sites like Scoop.it are growing fast, so that is another factor that you may want to consider because in a few years sites like that could be the next social bookmarking site to blow up.
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