Shopify Enterprise Partner Summit 2023: Full Recap

Kate Dubovikova

Kate Dubovikova

On October 3-4, 2023, Shopify rolled out the red carpet at the picturesque Rolling Greens Nursery in Downtown Los Angeles for the Enterprise Partner Summit. Spanning two action-packed days, the summit was a testament to Shopify’s commitment to fostering and enhancing its partnerships. The compelling event promised – and delivered – insights, collaboration, and evolution. Read the full recap below and discover how this event shapes the trajectory for eCommerce businesses and partners alike. Embrace the insights, act on the opportunities, and propel your business forward in this ever-evolving eCommerce landscape.

Shopify Partner Summit 2023

The central theme of the summit was to champion and nurture partnerships with Shopify. To achieve its goal, the event was meticulously structured, blending various interactive formats to cater to diverse learning and networking preferences. The day started with insightful keynotes, setting the stage for the discussions to follow. These were complemented by in-depth workshops and roundtables, allowing attendees to delve deep into specific subjects, share experiences, and brainstorm solutions. Concurrent sessions were organized across different venues, ensuring topics of interest for everyone. Additionally, dedicated ‘Partner Connect’ sessions fostered collaboration and networking, while ‘Expo Hall Demos’ showcased the latest innovations. This holistic approach ensured that participants not only gained valuable insights but also had ample opportunities to connect and collaborate, truly embodying the spirit of partnership.

Building Connections at Shopify Summit 2023
Building Connections at Shopify Summit 2023

“The essence of the Shopify Partner Summit is not just about understanding the platform’s nuances but about building and strengthening lasting relationships in the global eCommerce arena,” remarked Kelly Sims, Solutions Strategist at Trellis.

Attendees were treated to a rich blend of sessions. From fireside chats that offered insights from industry stalwarts, to deep-dive sessions that shed light on Shopify’s fresh endeavors, the event had it all. Roundtable discussions stood out, offering attendees a chance to engage in meaningful dialogues with Shopify teams, peppered with ample Q&A opportunities. Discover more about the event’s agenda here.

Keynote Speaker from Dollar Shave Club at Shopify Summit 2023
Keynote Speaker from Dollar Shave Club at Shopify Summit 2023

A noteworthy moment was the opening keynote by Shopify President, Harley Finkelstein, setting the tone for the event. This was closely followed by illuminating sessions from Shopify’s top-tier leadership, offering glimpses into the platform’s roadmap, especially the much-anticipated changes to checkout extensibility and B2B functionalities.

Special shoutouts to the thought leaders who graced the event:

… and many more

Their insights were invaluable, giving attendees actionable takeaways to implement within their own businesses.

Highlights & Takeaways

With a blend of fireside chats, deep-dive sessions, and roundtable discussions, Shopify ensured a holistic experience for attendees.

Breakout Session at Shopify Summit 2023
Breakout Session at Shopify Summit 2023

The summit was meticulously segmented to cater to a broad spectrum of interests:


Shopify leaders delved deep into the platform’s roadmap. The discussions around checkout extensibility and enhancements in B2B functionalities were particularly riveting, promising new avenues for businesses. While there weren’t any surprise revelations, the planned enhancements to the checkout process are eagerly anticipated by agencies and platforms alike. Additionally, B2B sectors are poised to receive some much-needed upgrades, shaped by feedback from partners.

eCommerce Tomorrow

The summit was more than a celebration of past accomplishments; it was a beacon illuminating the path ahead. Sessions delved deep into the transformative potential of AI in reshaping customer experiences and the emerging prominence of headless commerce, hinting at the shape of things to come. Broader themes, such as navigating the complexities of global expansion, were also explored. The overarching message? That the future of eCommerce is bright, innovative, and rooted in collaboration. Throughout the event, the emphasis on nurturing and capitalizing on both new and established partnerships was evident, underscoring the collective journey towards that future.

Community & Synergy

No summit is complete without the opportunity for attendees to mingle, share insights, and foster new partnerships. The Partner Connect sessions at the Rolling Greens’ Pad was a testament to Shopify’s commitment to facilitating these connections. Beyond the structured sessions, attendees found value in the corridors of Rolling Greens Nursery. Unscripted, candid conversations blossomed, leading to the inception of potential collaborations.

The overarching theme of the summit was clear: partnerships are paramount. Whether it’s Shopify’s collaboration with agencies, integration with platform partners, or its relationship with end-users, every connection is sacred. Shopify underscored the importance of nurturing and recognizing its partnerships, both new and established. The open forum setup, allowing direct communication with Shopify’s team, was particularly commendable.

Roundtable at Shopify Summit 2023
Roundtable at Shopify Summit 2023

“It’s not just about remote collaborations. The magic truly happens when you can have face-to-face interactions, delving deep into candid conversations about the future of eCommerce,” reflected Kelly Sims.

Special emphasis was given to the symbiotic relationship between Shopify and its partners. Agency partners, platform partners, and even fresh entrants to the Shopify ecosystem were given platforms to voice their insights and concerns.

A Caffeinated Touch

As attendees navigated the summit, the familiar aroma of Death Wish Coffee wafted through the air, symbolizing more than just a caffeine fix. This globally renowned brand is not just a coffee provider but also a proud client of Growth Spark, a Shopify marketing agency powered by Trellis.

Embracing the challenges presented, the team embarked on a transformative journey for Death Wish Coffee. A seamless migration to Shopify 2.0 was the first step, bringing modernity and stability to their digital presence. This pivotal move not only fortified their platform for the current user base but also primed it for exponential growth. An integral part of this transformation was the integration of a sophisticated subscription management system, elevating customer satisfaction and solidifying customer loyalty. The collaboration didn’t end there. The synergy between Death Wish Coffee and Growth Spark is ongoing, with innovations like a new quick shop experience on the horizon, set to redefine user convenience and engagement.

Death Wish coffee Presented at Shopify Partner Summit 2023
Death Wish coffee Presented at Shopify Partner Summit 2023

Such success stories underline the expertise and commitment that Trellis and Growth Spark bring to the table. For those seeking to write their own success saga or if you’re looking to rejuvenate your digital presence, Trellis is at your service. Reach out to us at If Shopify expertise is what you desire, Growth Spark awaits your call.

Looking Ahead

As the curtains fell on the Shopify Enterprise Partner Summit 2023, the overarching message was crystal clear: the essence of eCommerce transcends mere transactions; it’s deeply rooted in the relationships we cultivate. This realization isn’t just a fleeting insight from a two-day event but a compass guiding Trellis’s direction in the expansive ocean of eCommerce. While technological advancements and trends will continue to redefine the sector, the core value of genuine partnerships remains unshakable.

Keynote Session at Shopify Summit 2023
Keynote Session at Shopify Summit 2023

The summit showcased the dawning of a new era where collaboration is the cornerstone. The event, though bound by time, initiated a wave of change that will undeniably shape the contours of the eCommerce world in the foreseeable future. For Trellis, it was a beacon, illuminating our path forward. These gatherings not only enrich our understanding but also reinforce our unwavering commitment to our clients. By absorbing insights, embracing feedback, and adapting to the evolving landscape, we aim to offer unparalleled value, ensuring our clients always remain at the forefront of eCommerce.

“This summit underlined the essence of eCommerce – a blend of technology and human connections,” said Kelly Sims, Solutions Strategist at Trellis.

The summit’s emphasis on symbiotic relationships, open dialogue, and community engagement underscores Shopify’s vision for the future—a future that Trellis is excited to be part of. Our takeaway from this summit is profound: in the ever-evolving world of eCommerce, while technology and trends play their part, it’s the partnerships and relationships that truly drive success. As we forge ahead, Trellis remains steadfast in its mission to not only harness the potential of these partnerships but to elevate them, ensuring that our clients always have a competitive edge.


The Shopify Enterprise Partner Summit 2023 was more than just a gathering; it was a resonating symphony of collaboration and commitment. At its core, the summit championed a singular vision: deepening and diversifying partnerships. It wasn’t merely a showcase of Shopify’s capabilities, but a heartfelt invitation to embrace new alliances and reinforce the bonds of existing collaborations.

This summit served as a testament to Shopify’s unwavering belief in the transformative power of partnerships. For Trellis, this emphasis on synergy and collaboration paints a vivid picture of an exciting future, one where our combined strengths will lead to unparalleled experiences for our clients.

As we chart our course forward in the vast expanse of eCommerce, we invite you to stay connected with Trellis. Join us in our endeavors, be a part of our stories, and share in our successes. Follow us for the latest insights, trends, and narratives in eCommerce on:

The world of eCommerce is in a state of constant flux, but with robust partnerships and shared visions, the future is filled with endless possibilities. Together, we embark on this exhilarating journey, eager to redefine the boundaries of what’s achievable. Join us, and let’s shape the future of eCommerce together!

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