The Top Ten US eCommerce Retail Sites By Revenue

Isaiah Bollinger

Isaiah Bollinger
Retail eCommerce revenue in the US is expected to approach 350 billion this year closing in on well over 10% of all retail sales. in 2014 there were over 304 billion in retail sales online compared to 3.1 trillion in total retail sales, making eCommerce account for about 9.7% of total retail. in 2013, eCommerce accounted for only 8.7%, thus this rapid increase as a percent of total retail sales is a trend that seems to be continuing year after year.
Of the total 304 billion in online retail sales, the following top ten companies did almost half of all retail sales at 151.9 billion.
1) Amazon
2014 Net Retail Revenue: 79.48 billion
2014 eCommerce Growth %: 17.1
% of Total Sales: 100.00
Platform: In House
Amazon is clearly the king of online retail in the United States, selling a massive amount of electronics, books, and other types of goods. According to their 2014 annual report, Amazon did almost 80 billion in eCommerce sales in 2014, with no signs of slowing down. Amazon is clearly the leader in US retail eCommerce sales with no close second behind it. Amazon is looking to expand into B2B eCommerce with its 2012 initiative Amazon Supply that has since been replaced by Amazon business.
2) Apple
2014 Net Retail Revenue: 20.6 billion
2014 eCommerce Growth %: 12.7
% of Total Sales: 11.3
Platform: Oracle
Apple is the most valuable company by market cap in the world and is approaching north of 200 billion in total revenue. With online sales surpassing 20 billion for the first time and growing to become more than 10% of revenue, Apple is poised to be a leader in eCommerce for years to come. Although Apple only sells its own products, its market share and revenue is so strong that its eCommerce sales will continue to be enormous.
3) Walmart
2014 Net Retail Revenue: 12.136 billion
2014 eCommerce Growth %: 21.0
% of Total Sales: 2.5
Platform: In House
Walmart reported over 10 billion in 2013 and says it has done over 12 billion online in retail in 2014. Walmart is growing above the average eCommerce growth rate showing that it is now serious about online shopping. They are pouring over one billion dollars into their online presence in 2016 to become a stronger competitor to Amazon online.
4) Staples
2014 Net Retail Revenue: 11.232 billion
2014 eCommerce Growth %: 8.0
% of Total Sales: 49.9
Platform: In House, IBM
Staples sells a massive portion of its revenue online, something many people might not have realized given their strong in store presence. With almost 50% of total sales online, Staples is one of the strongest online retailers that also has a strong in store presence.
5) Sears Holdings Corp.
2014 Net Retail Revenue: 5.7 billion
2014 eCommerce Growth %: 16.3
% of Total Sales: 18.3
Platform: In House, IBM
Sears does a significant amount of their revenue online, approaching 20 percent of total sales. With a major selection of home products, Sears is clearly going to be a leader in US retail eCommerce for years to come.
6) Netflix
2014 Net Retail Revenue: 5.5 billion
2014 eCommerce Growth %: 25.8
% of Total Sales: 100
Platform: In House
Netflix is growing faster than Amazon, the only other web only online retailer in the top 10. Netflix will most likely approach the top 5 in the coming years as well as surpass 10 billion in retail online revenue in the coming years. As video streaming replaces traditional media services, Netflix is in a dominant position to lead this major technological change.
7) Macy’s
2014 Net Retail Revenue: 5.4 billion
2014 eCommerce Growth %: 30.1
% of Total Sales: 19.2
Platform: Oracle
Macy’s is surprisingly one of the best online retailers in the world despite its large traditional retail presence. With the second highest growth rate of the top ten retailers, Macy’s is clearly on the right track when it comes to growing its online sales.
8) Office Depot:
2014 Net Retail Revenue: 4.3 billion
2014 eCommerce Growth %: 4.9
% of Total Sales: 26.7
Platform: In House, IBM
Office Depot, similar to Staples is in an industry in which a large percentage of sales are done online. With over a quarter of its sales online, Office Depot is clearly a dominant force in the office supplies industry, however its small growth rate relative to the other major online retailers puts it in danger of falling outside the top 10 in the coming years. It may however merge with Staples to become a stronger top online retailer, leveraging their dominant positions in the office supplies industry.
9) CDW Corp:
2014 Net Retail Revenue: 3.8 billion
2014 eCommerce Growth %: 12.1
% of Total Sales: 31.5
Platform: In House
CDW is a leader in technology products and services for business, government and education. They do a significant percentage of their revenue online, at almost one third of total sales. With an industry that is heavily online, CDW will most likely continue to be a top retailer for years to come.
10) Home Depot
2014 Net Retail Revenue: 3.76 billion
2014 eCommerce Growth %: 36.9
% of Total Sales: 4.5
Platform: IBM
Home Depot only does a small percentage of total sales online at 4.5% but with the fastest growth rate among the top ten, that may not be the case for long. In an industry in which there is little online retail penetration, there is massive room for online growth in the next five to ten years, putting Home Depot in a great place to grow online.
The top ten retailers make up almost half of all US online retail, and their current growth rate suggests this may be a trend for the years to come. However, there are many top retailers just outside the top 10 that might also gain ground on these current top ten online retailers.
Data from this blog post is supplied by Internet Retailer’s 2015 top 500 top eCommerce retailers in the North America guide.
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