iOS 14 Updates: What You Need to Know

Kate Sears

Kate Sears

What you need to know about Apple’s latest iOS software update:

  • Apple iPhone users can give permission to allow apps to access their data for advertising; this is known as the App Tracking Transparency Framework (ATT)
  • When downloading a new app on your iPhone, you have the option to opt-in or opt-out of data usage. This is called Identifier for the Advertiser (IDFA)
  • This will introduce a new attribution measurement in Facebook Business Manager, called Aggregate Event Measurement.

How does this affect advertisers?

  • Specifically, Facebook/Instagram, if apps do not comply with Apple’s new restrictions, they may be restricted from the App Store, which will have a downward spiral effect on businesses that rely on Facebook for advertising. 
  • Data collected in-app will affect how conversions are counted in-app through the web event (i.e., clicking on an ad in-app, taking you to a landing page on a website).
  • Advertisers can only record up to 8 event conversions within one domain.
  • These events will be ranked within 28 days.
  • When a conversion event is changed or adjusted, there is a 72-hour campaign freeze before the campaign can redeliver with the adjusted conversion events.

What you will need to do:

  • Verify your domain in Facebook Business Manager
  • Make sure you are prepared only to allow a maximum of 8 conversion events per domain.
    • Define what those conversion KPIs are before submitting them to Facebook Business Manager
  • There will be changes to attribution windows- be proactive.
    • If you have a 28-day attribution period set in Facebook Business Manager already, make sure to export ALL historical data so you have data to refer back to when the attribution window changes to a 7-day click-through window.
    • Connect to Facebook’s conversion API (CAPI)  to track conversions counted in-app, through  web event 
  • Redefine campaign optimization strategies, which will require A/B testing 
    • Take time to test different strategies to see what works best with your campaigns and show the new attribution window’s best performance.
      • Reconsider audience segments, bidding strategies, etc.

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