
How To Create Effective Typography

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Typography is the design and use of typefaces as a means of communication. It is considered to have begun with Gutenberg and the development of moveable type. Typography has its roots in handwritten letterforms. It encompasses everything from calligraphy through digital type and type on websites. It also includes type designers who create new letterforms as well as designers, calligraphers and letterers who use the letters as part of their designs. Typography is one of the most cherished parts about graphic design. No matter how seasoned of a designer you are, it’s always good to refresh your memory about the basics of typography. Things such as the anatomy of typography and the different classifications aren’t necessarily something that you absolutely need to know but it sure sounds impressive when you prove to a client that you do know them! Words like ascender, descender, x-height, leading, kerning, tracking, serif, and sanserif should definitely be in your typography vocabulary. Without realizing it, you are very much aware of these words every single day. Knowing when to use these words will really set you apart from your fellow designers. As for all designs, the best part about learning all of the typography rules, once you know them, you can break them!

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Back to Basics

Typography is the design and use of typefaces as a means of communication. It is
considered to have begun with Gutenberg and the development of moveable type.
Typography has its roots in handwritten letterforms. It encompasses everything from
calligraphy through digital type and type on websites. It also includes type designers
who create new letterforms as well as designers, calligraphers and letterers who use
the letters as part of their designs.
Typography is one of the most cherished parts about graphic design. No matter how
seasoned of a designer you are, it’s always good to refresh your memory about the
basics of typography. Things such as the anatomy of typography and the different
classifications aren’t necessarily something that you absolutely need to know but it
sure sounds impressive when you prove to a client that you do know them!

Words like ascender, descender, x-height, leading, kerning, tracking, serif, and sanserif
should definitely be in your typography vocabulary. Without realizing it, you are very
much aware of these words every single day. Knowing when to use these words will
really set you apart from your fellow designers. As for all designs, the best part about
learning all of the typography rules, once you know them, you can break them!